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Documentation for v4

protoo is a minimalist and extensible Node.js signaling framework for multi-party Real-Time Communication applications.

It provides both a server side Node.js module and a client side JavaScript library. Its primary purpose is to provide applications with the ability to easily add group chat, presence and multi-party multimedia capabilities.


protoo defines a signaling protocol based on JSON requests, responses and notifications. It is up to the application to define and extend the signaling protocol and the content of those messages in order to accomplish the desired feature set.


A protoo request is a JSON message.

  request : true,
  id      : 12345678,
  method  : 'chatmessage',
  data    :
    type  : 'text',
    value : 'Hi there!'
Field Description
request Must be true.
id A number identifier to match its associated response.
method A custom string representing the request method.
data An object with custom data.


A protoo response is a JSON message associated to a protoo request.

Success response

  response : true,
  id       : 12345678,
  ok       : true,
  data     :
    foo : 'lalala'

Error response

  response    : true,
  id          : 12345678,
  ok          : false,
  errorCode   : 123,
  errorReason : 'Something failed'
Field Description
response Must be true.
id A number identifier matching its associated request.
ok true if a success response, false otherwise.
data An object with custom data (just for success responses).
errorCode Numeric error code up to the application (just for error responses).
errorReason Descriptive error text up to the application (just for error responses).


A protoo notification is a JSON message (so there is no associated response).

  notification : true,
  method       : 'chatmessage',
  data         :
    foo : 'bar'
Field Description
notification Must be true.
method A custom string representing the notification method.
data An object with custom data.


The protoo server side Node.js module.


Install the protoo-server NPM package into your Node.js server side application.

$ npm install --save protoo-server


const protooServer = require('protoo-server');

The top-level module exposes:


The package version.


A WebSocketServer listens for WebSocket connections from clients.

const options =
  maxReceivedFrameSize     : 960000, // 960 KBytes.
  maxReceivedMessageSize   : 960000,
  fragmentOutgoingMessages : true,
  fragmentationThreshold   : 960000

const server = new protooServer.WebSocketServer(httpServer, options);
Parameter Description
httpServer A Node.js http.Server or https.Server object.
[options] Options for websocket.WebSocketServer.


Unmounts the WebSocket server so no more WebSocket connections will take place.

on('connectionrequest', fn(info, accept, reject))

Event fired when a WebSocket client attempts to connect to the WebSocket server.

server.on('connectionrequest', (info, accept, reject) =>
  // The app inspects the `info` object and decides whether to accept the
  // connection or not.  
  if (something in info)
    const transport = accept();

    // The app chooses a `peerId` and creates a peer within a specific room.
    const peer = room.createPeer('bob', transport);
    reject(403, 'Not Allowed');
Parameter Description
info An object with information about the connection attempt.
accept Function to be called if the connection must be accepted.
reject Function to be called if the connection must be rejected.

The info object has the following fields:

Field Description
request The Node.js http.IncomingMessage object representing the received HTTP request during the Websocket handshake.
origin The value of the Origin header in the HTTP request.
socket The Node.js net.Socket object.

The accept function returns a WebSocketTransport instance.

The reject function has the following parameters:

Parameter Default Description
code 403 The HTTP response status code.
[reason] ‘Rejected’ The HTTP response status reason string.


Parameter Default Description
error An Error instance.


Created when calling accept() within the connectionrequest event of the WebSocketServer. It represents an established WebSocket connection with a client.

No public API is exposed.


A Room represents a multi-party communication context.

const room = new protooServer.Room();


Returns an array with all the connected Peer instances in the room.

for (let peer of room.peers)
  console.log('peer id: %s',;


Boolean indicating whether the room is closed.

createPeer(peerId, transport)

Creates a Peer within this room. It returns a Peer instance. It throws if wrong parameters are given or if there is already a peer with the same peerId in the room.

const peer = room.createPeer('alice', transport);
Parameter Description
peerId Unique string identifier for the peer.
transport A WebSocketTransport instance.


Returns true if there is a peer in the room with the given peerId.

Parameter Description
peerId Peer string identifier.


Returns the Peer instance with the given peerId, or undefined if not present in the room.

Parameter Description
peerId Peer string identifier.


Closes the room and emits close event. All the peers within this room will also be closed and their close event fired.

on('close', fn())

Event fired when the room is closed.


A Peer represents a remote client connected to a Room.


Read-only string identifier of the peer.


Writable custom object up to the application. = 'bar';



Boolean indicating whether the peer is closed.

async request(method, [data])

Sends a protoo request to the peer. It resolves to the data object of the protoo response (if successful) or rejects if an error response is received (or any other kind of error happens).

  const data = await peer.request('chicken', { foo: 'bar' });

  console.log('got response data:', data);
catch (error)
  console.error('request failed:', error);
Parameter Description
method Request method string.
[data] Request data object.

async notify(method, [data])

Sends a protoo notification to the peer. It resolves if the notification was correctly sent, and rejects if the notification could not be sent.

peer.notify('lalala', { foo: 'bar' });
Parameter Description
method Notification method string.
[data] Notification data object.


Closes the peer and its underlying transport, and emits close event.

on('request', fn(request, accept, reject))

Event fired when a protoo request is received from the peer.

peer.on('request', (request, accept, reject) =>
  if (something in request)
    accept({ foo: 'bar' });
    reject(400, 'Not Here');
Parameter Description
request A protoo request.
accept Function to be called if the request must be accepted.
reject Function to be called if the request must be rejected.

The accept function has the following parameters:

Parameter Default Description
[data] {} The data object field of the response.

The reject function has the following parameters:

Parameter Default Description
errorCode Error numeric code.
[errorReason] Error text description.


Parameter Default Description
error An Error instance.

on('notification', fn(notification))

Event fired when a protoo notification is received from the peer.

peer.on('notification', (notification) =>
  // Do something.
Parameter Description
notification A protoo notification.

on('close', fn())

Event fired when the peer is closed by calling close() on it, or when the underlying transport is remotely closed, or when the room is closed.


The protoo client side JavaScript library. It runs in both browser and Node.js environments.


Install the protoo-client NPM package into your client side application.

$ npm install --save protoo-client


const protooClient = require('protoo-client');

The top-level module exposes two JavaScript classes:


The package version.


A WebSocketTransport creates a WebSocket connection.

const transport = new protooClient.WebSocketTransport('wss://');
Parameter Description
url WebSocket connection URL.
[options] Includes the options for websocket.W3CWebSocket (all but requestUrl) plus a retry parameter (see below).

The retry parameters matches the options object given to retry.operation() and controls the connection and reconnection attempts.

If options.retry is not given, it defaults to the following values

  retries    : 10,
  factor     : 2,
  minTimeout : 1 * 1000,
  maxTimeout : 8 * 1000


A Peer represents a participant in a remote room.

const peer = new protooClient.Peer(transport);
Parameter Description
transport A WebSocketTransport instance.


Writable custom object up to the application. = 1234;



Boolean indicating whether the peer is closed.


Boolean indicating whether the peer is connected.

async request(method, [data])

Sends a protoo request to the peer. It resolves to the data object of the protoo response (if successful) or rejects if an error response is received (or any other kind of error happens).

  const data = await peer.request('chicken', { foo: 'bar' });

  console.log('got response data:', data);
catch (error)
  console.error('request failed:', error);
Parameter Description
method Request method string.
[data] Request data object.

async notify(method, [data])

Sends a protoo notification to the peer. It resolves if the notification was correctly sent, and rejects if the notification could not be sent.

peer.notify('lalala', { foo: 'bar' });
Parameter Description
method Notification method string.
[data] Notification data object.


Closes the peer and its underlying transport, and emits close event.

on('open', fn())

Event fired when the transport is connected.

on('failed', fn(currentAttempt))

Event fired when the connection with the server fails (due to network errors, not running server, unreachable server address, etc).

The peer will try to connect as many times as defined in its retry options. After those retries, the close event will fire.

Parameter Description
currentAttempt Reconnection attempt (starts with 1).

on('disconnected', fn())

Event fired when the established connection is abruptly closed. The peer will start the reconnection procedures as defined in its retry options.

The peer will try to reconnect as many times as defined in its retry options. After those retries the close event will fire.

on('close', fn())

Event fired when the peer is closed by calling close() on it, or when the underlying transport is remotely closed (via room.close() or peer.close() in server-side), or after all reconnection attempts fail.

on('request', fn(request, accept, reject))

Event fired when a protoo request is received from the room.

peer.on('request', (request, accept, reject) =>
  if (something in request)
    accept({ foo: 'bar' });
    reject(400, 'Not Here');
Parameter Description
request A protoo request.
accept Function to be called if the request must be accepted.
reject Function to be called if the request must be rejected.

The accept function has the following parameters:

Parameter Default Description
[data] {} The data object field of the response.

The reject function has the following parameters:

Parameter Default Description
errorCode Error numeric code.
[errorReason] Error text description.


Parameter Default Description
error An Error instance.

on('notification', fn(notification))

Event fired when a protoo notification is received from the room.

peer.on('notification', (notification) =>
  // Do something.
Parameter Description
notification A protoo notification.